In late January, a group of students from Park Center Senior High School embarked on a snow-filled adventure to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, the first of three outdoor trips planned with Wilderness Inquiry. The up-north adventure provided Park Center students (aka Park Center Pirates!) the opportunity to get outdoors as part of their education… [Read more] On Trail: Park Center High School in the Boundary Waters
Search Results
Susan Abbott shares the adventure again 36 years later
From Susan Abbott, who went on her first WI trip in 1980 and her second just this winter: When I first moved to Minnesota in 1980, I saw a small ad in a magazine for canoe trips to the Boundary Waters. That sounded like an interesting idea, so I signed up. I think back then,… [Read more] Susan Abbott shares the adventure again 36 years later
Working to address the diversity challenge
From Guest Blogger Megan O’Hara, Youth Outdoor Employment Director: “Who will prepare the scientists, technicians, engineers, entrepreneurs and global humanitarians [who] can rebuild our economy and society on a new and greener foundation? Who will educate citizens ready to master these new realities and ensure exemplary stewardship of our planet for now and for future… [Read more] Working to address the diversity challenge
Youth Program Evaluations
Youth Program Evaluations Youth Evaluations 2023 For the second year, Wilderness Inquiry facilitated a survey tool in partnership with Hello Insight to evaluate youth program efficacy in FY23. Across Wilderness Inquiry’s multi-day youth program offerings, young people showed statistically significant gains in one or more social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes. Youth who engaged with Wilderness Inquiry’s… [Read more] Youth Program Evaluations
Eval of Leaders List
Trip Evaluation for Thank you for your feedback! Your responses to this survey will be used to provide successful experiences for future program participants. We will reach out if we have any concerns or questions about your feedback. Please do not hesitate to call anytime to let us know how we’re doing: 612-676-9400. We can’t… [Read more] Eval of Leaders List
Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy Last updated November 2024 Wilderness Inquiry is committed to the security of your information. In order to ensure that information collected via this website is properly used, we have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to privacy. This privacy notice for Wilderness Inquiry, Inc. (“we,” “us,” or “our“),… [Read more] Privacy Policy
A Month of Adventures with Mandela Washington Fellow Brian Muchiri Waihenya
In August, Wilderness Inquiry welcomed Brian Muchiri Waihenya from Kenya, who traveled to Minnesota on a professional exchange opportunity through the U.S. Department of State’s Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, the flagship program of the U.S. Government’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). During his time in Minnesota, Brian learned about the internal workings… [Read more] A Month of Adventures with Mandela Washington Fellow Brian Muchiri Waihenya
Growing Partnership – Summer Adventures with Tickets for Kids
At Wilderness Inquiry we’re always looking for more ways to connect families and youth to the outdoors. In an effort to expand outdoor access, we partnered with Tickets for Kids – a non-profit that provides free access for low-income and at-risk youth to attend cultural and educational events in their communities. Through partnerships with youth-serving… [Read more] Growing Partnership – Summer Adventures with Tickets for Kids
A Successful Summer with Great MN Schools
Over the course of the past year and a half, students, teachers, and schools have dealt with unprecedented circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic; school closures, loss of school-based relationships, economic crisis, and the persistence of systemic racial inequities. Realizing the need to reconnect students to their studies in an engaging way, Great MN Schools,… [Read more] A Successful Summer with Great MN Schools
2020 Year in Review – Everyone Belongs in the Outdoors
While 2020 brought immense challenges that impacted our communities, country, and world, we have also seen resilience, hope, imagination, connection, and changes that will guide us in the years to come. The stories and photos below highlight the power of both human connection and connection to the outdoors — two core tenets of Wilderness Inquiry’s… [Read more] 2020 Year in Review – Everyone Belongs in the Outdoors